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Welcome to the Online Clearance Process Guide where you will find the directions to complete the clearance process to participate in athletics and activities. Parent/guardians are responsible for the completion of forms and information for their student-athlete.

All prospective student-athletes MUST complete the clearance process by submitting both physical forms and the signed clearance letter in person at the Finance Office (Dawg House) or by uploading the 3 required forms onto the website.  If your forms are uploaded, please email Ms. Yeagle at that your paperwork is ready to be reviewed.  You will then be notified by email when the clearance is completed.   Please DO NOT send your clearance forms by email.

The system will maintain your records so that when clearing for additional sports or in future years, you will only be required to update information. You can maintain multiple students with the same account.

Thank you for taking the time to complete this important process.

Online Clearance Portion

Online clearance must be completed for each sport you intend to participate in this year.

Step 1: Go to 

Step 2: Complete the Log-in Process.

Step 3: Complete the Online Forms.

Step 4: Complete the Online Signature Agreements.

Step 5: Print and Sign the Confirmation/Consent Form. Print from the site or from the email that is sent to your registered email.

Step 6: Submit the signed consent form (or email) and a copy of the current physical (2 pages) in person to the Finance Office. You can also upload the signed consent form and the required physical forms onto your student account on website. If your forms are uploaded, please email Ms Yeagle at that your paperwork is ready to be reviewed.  You will then be notified by email when the clearance is completed.   Please DO NOT send your clearance forms by email.

Physical Form

Portion Physicals are required annually and must be valid throughout the entire season of your sport. Physicals must be completed by a licensed physician (M.D. or D.O only). Nurse practitioner, chiropractor, or other health care professionals physicals WILL NOT be accepted WITHOUT a M.D. or D.O. signature and stamp.

***In addition to the preparticipation physical exam students that have had the COVID-19 virus since March 2020, must have their M.D./D.O complete the Post COVID Medical Referral form in order to be cleared.

Step 1: Download the form - CLICK HERE

Step 2: Complete the History Form prior to the physician's visit. Be sure to keep a copy of the History form to submit to the Finance Office for clearance.

Step 3: Have the M.D. or D.O. complete the Pre-participation Physical Evaluation Form.

Step 4: Make a copy for each sport you intend to play this year.

Step 5: Bring a copy of current physical, the History form and the signed clearance/consent email to the Finance Office or you can upload the signed consent form and the required physical forms onto your student account on website. If your forms are uploaded, please email Ms Yeagle at that your paperwork is ready to be reviewed.  You will then be notified by email when the clearance is completed.   Please DO NOT send your clearance forms by email.

Student Insurance

Students are required to have insurance coverage for participation in athletics and activities. If you do not have personal health insurance, the school has a company which you may purchase student health insurance through by following the steps below.

If purchasing health insurance for your student below, please turn in a copy of the printed ID card with your clearance confirmation to the Dawg House.

Step 1: Log on to

Step 2: Click on Student Insurance Tab

Step 3: Click on K-12 Students

Step 4: Click on “K-12 Online Enrollment”

Step 5: Select State and click “Look Up"

Step 6: Click on link to display plan details

Frequently Asked Questions

Q: Do I have to have an email address to complete the clearance process?
A: Yes. You will need an email address to log in to the system. If you cannot create an email using Gmail, Yahoo, or other provider, please see the athletic director for assistance.

Q: Do I have to complete a new clearance for each sport I want to play?
A: Yes. The system will maintain your information, making it easier to complete future clearances.

Q: How will a coach know if I am cleared to participate?
A: You will receive an email from upon completion of that form that requires a signature from both a parent and the student. You submit both that signed email letter and a copy of your physical forms to the Finance Office in person or by email. Your approved clearance letter will be returned to you with a stamp to be given to you coach. The Finance office will mark your sport as Cleared on the website and coaches will be able to see a list of those students that have completed their clearance.

Q: Does the school offer sports physicals?
A: The school offers sports physicals by licensed Medical Doctors three times per year. The physicals will be offered before each season of sport. They are offered in late July for the fall, in early November for the winter, and in early February for Spring.

Q: Do I have to purchase student insurance?
A: If you have personal insurance, then no, you will not need to purchase student insurance. If you do not have a personal policy, you will need to purchase this insurance. You can purchase student insurance by CLICKING HERE.

Q:Do I have to donate any money to clear for the sport?
A: No, the system being used for clearance has the ability to collect donations. We are currently not using this function at Helix.