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  • General Reminders:

    • Tickets must be purchased online at GoFan

    • The home side gate is located on the southern side of the stadium. From the parking lot, you can access this side from the top of the solar parking lot. Follow the fire lane entrance near the Orien Ave.exit. 

    • The visitor side gate is located on the north side of the stadium, next to the sand volleyball court. From the parking lot, walk onto campus, past the gym toward the west side of campus.

    • Helix football games are well-attended and the parking lot gets busy. Please walk or carpool if possible. If driving, please use caution in the parking lot and arrive early if possible.

    • Backpacks are not allowed into the stadium.

    • Bathrooms are located inside the stadium on both the home and visitor sides. Other bathrooms on campus will not be open.

    • Spectators are not allowed on the field before, during, or directly after the game.

    • No re-entry into the stadium.

    • If you see something, say something. Find a Helix staff member, security guard or use this anonymous tip form.

  • Student Seating:

    • Students must have a valid (current year) Helix student ID card to enter the home side gate and sit in the home bleachers.

    • Non-Helix students are welcome to watch the game from the visitor side bleachers.

    • The student spirit section is located at the far end of the bleachers on the west end of the stadium.

    • Students must find a seat in the bleachers during games. Students may not congregate or loiter behind the bleachers.

  • Student Section Etiquette:

    • Backpacks are not allowed into the stadium. Please take backpacks home after school, arrange for them to be picked up, or store them in your locker. 

    • “Spraying” powder is not allowed.

    • If you are seen throwing anything (e.g. powder, water, water bottles, etc.), you will be escorted out of the stadium immediately.